Reasons behind why valentine day is celebrated on february 14 in the all over the world

why valentine day is celebrated on february 14

Valentine's Day happens every February 14. All over the United States and elsewhere in the world, sweets, flowers and gifts are exchanged between their loved ones, in the name of Valentine's Day. But who is this mysterious saint and where do these traditions come from? Discover the history of Valentine's Day, from ancient Roman rituals in Lobarkalia, which welcomed the customs of Victorian card distribution.

Valentine's Day legend

why valentine day is celebrated on february 14

The story of Valentine's Day, and the story of its patron saint, is shrouded in mystery. We know that February has been celebrated as a month of romance, and Valentine's Day, as we know it today, contains traces of ancient Christian and Roman traditions. But who was Valentine's Day and how did it relate to these ancient rituals?

The Catholic Church recognizes at least three saints called Valentin or Valentinus, all of whom were martyred. One legend says that Valentin was a priest who served in Rome during the third century. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men were better than soldiers with wives and families, he banned the marriage of young men. Valentine, who realizes the injustice of the decree, challenges Claudio and secretly celebrates the marriage of young lovers. When Valentine's Day activities were revealed, Claudio ordered his murder. Others still insist that Saint Valentine was the true name of the party, Tarney. He was also appointed by Claudius II outside Rome.

Other stories indicate that Valentine's Day may have been killed to help Christians escape from harsh Roman prisons where they were beaten and often tortured. According to one legend, the imprisoned Valentin sent the first "Valentine" good luck after he fell in love with a young woman, perhaps the daughter of his prison, whom he loved while in detention. Before his death, he allegedly wrote her a signed letter "From Your Valentine's Day", which is still in use today. Although the truth behind Valentine's Day legends is unclear, all stories confirm her appeal as a sympathetic and heroic person, and most importantly, romantic. In the Middle Ages, perhaps thanks to this reputation, Valentin would become one of the most popular saints in England and France.

The origin of Valentine's Day: a pagan festival in February

The origin of Valentine's Day: a pagan festival in February
While some believe that Valentine's Day is celebrated in mid-February to celebrate the death anniversary or Valentine's Day, which may have occurred around 270 AD, others claim that the Christian Church has occupied the place. It must be decided. In mid-February, Valentine's Day, trying to "politicize" the pagan celebration of lobarkalia. Lubarkelia, which was celebrated in February or February 15, served as a fertility festival, dedicated to the Roman god of von cultivation, as well as the Roman founders Romulus and Remus.

To start the festival, members of Luperasi, an order of Roman priests, gathered in a sacred cave, where it was believed that Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome, helped a wolf or a magnifying glass. Priests sacrifice goats for cleansing, sacrificing the dog. After that, they were peeling the skin of goats, bathing it with the blood of the victim, taking out the streets, and slowly beating women and fields from the skin of the street. Out of fear, Roman women welcomed the skin's touch because he thought it would make them more fertile next year. In subsequent days, according to legend, all the young women of the city bore their names in a large jar. Individual cities will pick a name and contact a woman of their choice for this year. These parties often end in marriage.

Valentine's Day: Romantic Day

Valentine's Day: Romantic Day

Loparkalia survived the early rise of Christianity, but was banned, because he was considered "non-Christian" at the end of the fifth century, when Pope Gelasius declared on Valentine's Day on February 14. However, it wasn't until later that day that was definitely associated with love. During the Middle Ages, it was generally believed in France and England that the mating season between birds began on February 14, adding to the idea that a half day Valentine's Day should be a day of romantic English poet Geoffrey Chaucer first recorded Valentine's Day a romantic celebration day in his poem 1375 "Mistakes of Parliament," he wrote, "because it was sent on Sean Wall's day."

Valentine's Day greetings have been popular since the Middle Ages, although written sweethearts began to appear only after 1400. The oldest Valentine's Day poem still written by Charles, Duke of Orleans in 1415, was imprisoned in the Tower of London for his wife. After the capture of the Agincourt battle. (The salutation is now part of the British Library Manuscript Collection in London, England). After many years, King Henry V was said to have appointed Catherine Valois as a writer named John Lydgate to write Valentine's Day notes.

Exclusive Valentine Greetings

Exclusive Valentine Greetings

In addition to the United States, Valentine's Day is celebrated in Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, France and Australia. In Britain, the celebration of Valentine's Day began in the seventeenth century. In the mid-eighteenth century, it was common for friends and lovers of all social classes to exchange short presentations of affection or handwritten notes, and in 1900 printed cards began to replace written characters as the printing technique improved. Cookies. Prepared cards were an easy way for people to express their feelings, when direct expression of feelings was frustrating. Cheap mail prices also contribute to the popularity of Valentine's Day greetings.

Americans may have started exchanging sweets provided in the early eighteenth century. In the 1840s, Esther I. Howland began selling the first mass-produced Valentine's Day cards in the United States. Howland, known as "Mother's Day of Love", created innovative creations with real lace, ribbon and colorful graphics, known as "addicts". Today, according to the Greeting Cards Association, approximately 145 million Valentine's Day cards are sent each year, making Valentine's Day the second largest holiday card holiday of the year (more cards are sent over Christmas). About 85 percent of all Valentine's cards are bought by women.

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